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Our Members

"My part is to improve the present moment."

Each of our members is committed to service through the League in an effort to improve and enrich the social and economic environment of the youth of Kershaw County. Meanwhile, the League fosters its members' interests in social, cultural and civil affairs and renders voluntary services throughout the community.

Our Members:

- are age 21 and older

- live and/or work in Kershaw County

- committed to making a difference in our community

Our Active Members:

- attend monthly meetings

- participate in fundraising events and community 

   service activities

- attend social gatherings 

Women interested in joining the Camden Junior Welfare League are invited to attend recruitment socials during the months of May - July, to prepare for the upcoming year and learn what's involved in being a member of the League. 

Members spend their first year with the League as a "provisional", to determine whether or not the League is the right fit for them. Once that first year is complete, provisionals become active members, able to vote on League matters and hold positions on the board. Active members are asked to commit an additional four years of service through the League. Those who complete these years of service then have the opportunity to become sustaining members of the League, participating in activities when they wish, but without the requirement to do so.

Ready to join us? Email our president here.


2023-2024 Camden Junior Welfare League


2022-2023 Board Members


2023-2024 Provisional Members


CJWL Sustaining Members

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